EAC History

STEAC History


STEAC came into existence in 1977 by township resolution. Over the years the Committee has engaged in a variety of efforts to improve the local environment and resident awareness of environmental concerns. A few highlights:

STEAC has been involved in educating the public on stormwater management, including writing articles for the newspaper, working with the school district, and conducting storm drain labeling.

STEAC partners with the Darby Creek Valley Association and the Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Association in annual spring stream clean-up activities, engaging residents and schoolchildren in helping to maintain a safe and pleasant environment along major streams.

In 2003 STEAC partnered with Swarthmore College in a grant-funded study which created a computer model of stormwater runoff in Springfield Township. A second grant-funded project used the computer model to compare cost and expected results of possible improvements.  This decision-making model clearly identified a first priority project, in the 13.2-acre, municipally owned, centrally-located area occupied by Williams Park, the Library, amphitheater, Township Building and District Court. [Download reports: Phase 1 report; Phase 2 report]

Currently, STEAC is coordinating a several-year project to construct a Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Park in the open space surrounding the Township municipal complex, as selected through the computer model of the Swarthmore study. The various BMPs will be located throughout the complex providing natural infiltration of stormwater which reduces the volume of water flushing directly into the open stream, and filters the pollutants as it recharges the underlying water table. Additionally, the project demonstrates to a large number of visitors to the complex, beneficial landscaping methods that can be incorporated on commercial and residential properties.


Springfield Township